At Sodadetour, we are passionately committed to ethical and sustainable tourism in Cape Verde. Our Responsible Travel Policy, described on this page, reflects our dedication to providing enriching experiences that respect the environment and culture. We believe in designing tours that are not only stimulating for our guests, but also beneficial for the environment and local communities. these are our guidelines for the sustainability of our tours:

– We use cleaning substances such as soap and biodegradable detergent and we expect our clients to use the same. 

– We ensure that the means of transport we use are appropriate to the region and meet the needs of our travellers. We regularly inspect and maintain these vehicles so that they operate at full efficiency, limiting the formation of carbon emissions while ensuring the safety and comfort of our customers.

– In regions where we use animals for transport, we only hire operators who treat them well. We consider animal welfare essential and do not support people who do not comply.

– Cleanliness is our most important attribute, we don’t throw rubbish anywhere and we dispose of waste properly in appropriate places.

– We advise our customers to use the toilets to do their business and not outdoors. 

– Dispose of batteries in cities and not in any remote location.

– Don’t waste resources such as water and electricity. You can contribute by switching off lights and equipment that are not in use.

– Only use existing camping sites.

– Don’t damage or disturb vegetation.

– Try not to use soaps containing phosphates. Also, don’t wash when swimming to keep the water unpolluted.

– Respect others and avoid making unnecessary noise.

– Don’t do anything to damage the environment. 

– Don’t remove herbs and plants. Avoid creating new trails or paths. Just use the existing ones.

– Also, bury the toilet paper or burn it. If the customer wants, they can transport it to a suitable disposal point.

– You will be asked to stay at least 30 metres away from any water source.

– Take your rubbish with you or dispose of it properly. Make sure you don’t leave any cans, bottles or plastic behind.
