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2 días
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15 personas
Explore one of Santo Antão’s most famous trails and walk from the Cova Natural Park to the Vale Verde do Paul accompanied by a local guide. Enjoy breathtaking views of the green valleys.
A magnificent walk from east to west on Santo Antão, the archipelago's pedestrian island par excellence. From the green terraced slopes of the north-east coast to the remote, mineral valleys of the west coast, this exclusive journey is a true immersion in nature and Cape Verdean culture. Every night, you'll find the warmth of your hosts for a well-deserved rest. From the most emblematic walks to the more intimate hikes, you'll travel along contrasting routes, through grandiose landscapes with steep peaks. The circuit ends at the magnificent Tarrafal beach, a fishing village at the end of the island.
Arrive by ferry and transfer to Cova Crater. This hike is considered one of the most beautiful on the island. Even the locals call it their paradise, a garden of Eden, where due to the subtropical temperature fruit and vegetables grow in abundance. Walk down from Cova Crater on old cobbled paths to Paul Valley, passing terraced fields of sweet potato and Congo beans, and banana, almond, and mango trees.
You’ll experience breathtaking views of lush nature, volcanic rocks and ocean landscapes on this guided trip to Ponta do Sol, Fontainhas and Cruzinha. Have a picnic on the black sand beach of Praia das Aranhas and embark on a 2.5-hour hiking adventure. Choose between private and shared tour options. After pickup, explore Ponta do Sol on foot, a seaside fishing village with colorful houses. Follow a scenic road along rocky cliffs jutting out over the ocean for unforgettable sea views. Then follow a winding road carved into the top of a mountain and surrounded by deep valleys to the picturesque village of Fontainhas, one of the 10 villages with the best views in the world, according to National Geographic. Following a steep descent and trail, you’ll pass through Corvo, Formiguinhas and have breathtaking views of the Aranhas Valley. Next, you’ll arrive at a beautiful black sand beach, Praia das Aranhas, a place to watch turtle nests and swim, depending on sea conditions. There, you’ll find a picturesque spot on the coast for a well-deserved rest and a picnic (food and drinks not included). After recharging your batteries, begin the 2.5-hour hike between volcanic rocks and the ocean, offering breathtaking views until you reach Cruzinha, a small fishing village with the most memorable views of the coast. At the end of an unforgettable day, sit back and relax as you’re transferred back to your accommodation.
Nuestros guías turísticos son amables y están formados para garantizar la seguridad del grupo. También hablan inglés, francés y portugués.
Organizamos excursiones desde su hotel. Le recogeremos a la hora acordada en su bono.
llevar ropa cómoda y calzado de senderismo
llevar gafas de sol cómodas y crema solar
una botella de agua
trae una cámara,
no dañar las plantas,
no moleste a los animales salvajes en su hábitat natural,
sin basura en el suelo,
respetar la cultura local,
llevar una mochila
no recomendado para usuarios de sillas de ruedas
No se permite el exceso de equipaje ni las maletas o bolsas grandes
No se permite Estado de embriaguez, Alcohol o drogas y Arrojar basura al medio ambiente.
siga todas las recomendaciones de la guía que le acompaña.