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6 horas
Visita diaria
16 personas
Faça uma caminhada até o ponto mais alto de Cabo Verde para apreciar fantásticas vistas panorâmicas de 360 graus da bela paisagem natural do topo do vulcão.
Embark on a guided hike to Pico do Fogo, the highest mountain in Cape Verde. Admire the volcanic landscape with its continuous volcanic activity. Make your way to the top with the help of your guide, enjoy breathtaking views and feel the sensation of touching the sky above the clouds. Get picked up from your accommodation and set off towards the volcano. Start the ascent with the support of your guide, who will adjust the climbing rate according to your abilities. After 3-4 hours, reach the summit, Cape Verde's highest peak at 2829 metres. From the top of the volcano, the third highest mountain in the Atlantic Ocean, enjoy unforgettable 360-degree panoramic views of Fogo Island, with the potential to see the other islands if the weather is good. Then take a well-deserved break and feel the sensation of touching the sky above the clouds. The guide will expand your knowledge of the eruption that left the entire city covered in lava.
After a picnic (costs not included), start the descent towards Chã das Caldeiras in the lava ash, an experience not to be missed.
Nuestros guías turísticos son amables y están formados para garantizar la seguridad del grupo. También hablan inglés, francés y portugués.
Organizamos excursiones desde su hotel. Le recogeremos a la hora acordada en su bono.
llevar ropa cómoda y calzado de senderismo
llevar gafas de sol cómodas y crema solar
una botella de agua
trae una cámara,
no dañar las plantas,
no moleste a los animales salvajes en su hábitat natural,
sin basura en el suelo,
respetar la cultura local,
llevar una mochila
no recomendado para usuarios de sillas de ruedas
No se permite el exceso de equipaje ni las maletas o bolsas grandes
No se permite Estado de embriaguez, Alcohol o drogas y Arrojar basura al medio ambiente.
siga todas las recomendaciones de la guía que le acompaña.